Well, I am still in a toss-up about joining the Army. I thought that I had finally decided to not do it, but somehow it keeps eating at me. Every time I hear a certain song or see the flag or anything that represents the military, I want to be a part of it. As you all probably know, I am in the Army ROTC program at Dixie State. In the ROTC, they train you in a specific class for four years while you are earning your degree. After the four years, if you have passed all of the requirements, you come out as an officer. As I have had a break from it for the summer, I have been freaking out about my decision. It is probably one of my biggest stresses! Last semester I passed the class with an "A" which was SO nice! WOOHOO! It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done! I did pass the class though and it was really a fun experience! There are some things that I would never want to go back and do again, but other things that I loved! The people, the paintballin, the shooting, the rapelling, the Military Ball, the Cadre, wearing that uniform, representing something that I love and respect and take great pride in! It was a life changing experience I'll tell ya that! I took Chad Clawson to the Military Ball! He was my escort and he was just a trooper to tag along! I was awarded a Service to the community award which was pretty fun...nothing big though! It is so important to me. Whether I decide to join or not, it will always be close to me. I love the Military without a doubt and have loved wearing that uniform with great pride! Representing the great country of the United States of America has made me so prideful! I can't even describe the emotions I have felt. This is truly a blessed nation, a nation under God. I am so blessed to be a part of it! We live in the land of the free because of the brave! God Bless our Troops!
"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand."-Vince Lombardi
I love how we are able to determine how every day of our lives are spent! It's great to know that I can wake up every morning and become someone better than I was the day before. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! It is the foundation of my every happiness. I enjoy being around positive people that give me a greater determination to live life to its fullest and make me want to reach my greater potential. My favorite thing is getting together with my family and going camping, vacationing, and playing games together! I love warm memories, traditions and lots of laughter! I love life and a good hard laugh!
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